Check out this collection of everything GOAT!


The Thrifty Homesteader

Deborah Niemann has lots of great practical information about raising goats, chickens and anything related to small scale farming. She offers blogs, books, online courses and a whole lot more!

Onion Creek Ranch

Suzanne Gasparotto has been raising goats for a very long time and created the “TexMaster” goat. She has written so many articles with great information as well as runs “Goat Camp” at her ranch in Texas which I attended a few years ago.

Marc Warnke runs a business in the U.S.A. using his amazing pack goats for hunting trips in some pretty rugged county. He offers great blogs, supplies, channel with fantastic tips and tricks.

Blue Cactus Dairy

Crystal and her family have Nigerian Dwarf show goats in Southern Arizona and have been making videos of their life with the herd. There is plenty of great info at this site so check it out!

Dr. Cara Shephard

Dr. Shepard is a real vet in the state of Maine U.S.A .with a herd of milking goats of her own. She can explain any topic by translating the medical lingo into plain English!