Goat Product Suppliers



This is a U.S.A. company that carries all kinds of vaccines, handling equipment, blankets, hoof care, vitamins, grooming etc supplies. Orders sent via Canada Post.


Purina Feeds

We use Purina’s Caprina Pellets blended in with several other ingredients for all our does & bucks. An excellent product.


Located in St-Alphonse-de-Granby (Qc), SyrVet supply all kinds of vet supplies for goats, horses, cows etc. Delivery is quick!



Our bucks are dining on a delicious mixture based on “Shur-Gain Billy Goat Grower”.

Canadian Co-Operative Wool Growers

These folks are located in Carleton Place, ONT and have all kinds of sheep and goat supplies and courier delivery for all your orders.


Goat Mineral

We feed a custom made mineral to ensure we are meeting all the macro and micro nutrition needs of our animals. There are few commercially available mixtures. Feel free to ask us about this.